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National Forest Inventory How much forest do we have in Germany? How much do our trees grow? How do we use our forests?

The National Forest Inventory provides the answers to such and many other questions.

Source: BMEL

How much forest do we have in Germany? How much do our trees grow? How do we use our forests?

The National Forest Inventory provides the answers to such and many other questions. It is a large-scale survey of forest status and forest production potential which is based on a uniform procedure of random samples taken throughout Germany. It must be repeated every ten years.

The Internet portal shows the results of the third National Forest Inventory (reference year 2012), along with its objectives and methods.

The database also contains the results of the Projection modelling of forest development and timber harvesting potential which uses the results of the National Forest Inventory and suppositions about forest management to estimate the timber harvesting potential and the pertinent forest development for the years 2013 to 2052.